Friday 28 December 2012

The Truth About Burning Fat

Everyday millions of men and women search the internet for solutions to shedding those unwanted pounds and burning fat. Unfortunately, most programs sold on the internet are nothing more than fad diets combined with insane workout plans that would even be a challenge to an athlete.  
Fad diets do nothing more than help you shed water weight, pull from your lean muscle tissue and bone density and slow down your metabolism.  The key to burning fat is to ramp up your metabolism. The only way to do this is to eat properly and incorporate a moderate exercise program to your life style.  

DO: Eat to Live DON’T: Live to Eat. 

DO: Eat Frequently. DON’T: Deprive Your Body of Necessary Calories.

DO: Exercise Moderately. DON’T: Over Task Your Body and Force in into Survival Mode.

With all of the confusing contradicting information out there today, it’s no wonder so many people are always searching for solutions.  Burning fat is far more simple than marketing company’s making it out to be.  And of course, why not? They really just want your money and are capitalizing on the desperate reaches to find a burning fat solution that really works.  
There are five key ways you can distinguish a healthy eating plan from a fad diet. Before you embark on any eating program, you might want to do a little research to see how your plan stacks up against these criteria:
1. Long term results
An eating program is focused on losing weight slowly over a period of time, so that you keep the weight off for good. Fad diets focus on shedding pounds quickly for fast, but often impermanent, results.
2. Holistic approach to weight loss
An eating program utilizes a holistic approach to weight loss-meaning you have to implement healthy lifestyle changes to guarantee success. This means your eating program can embrace anything from exercise to meditation to help you lose weight. A fad diet usually focuses solely on what you eat and drink.
3. Concentrate on the means rather than the end
A healthy eating plan will focus on the means to get to your goal weight, not just on the end result. In other words, you are encouraged to educate yourself about food so that you can make healthy eating choices. Diets are usually highly regimented and tell you exactly what to eat and drink, rather than allowing you to make your own choices.
4. Balanced nutrition
A healthy eating program will allow you to eat fruits and vegetables and will encourage you to eat a balanced diet you can usually spot a fad diet because it will focus on eating one type of food (such as the Cabbage

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Modify Diets To Lose Weight

Most individuals commence the new year creating a resolution. Some decide to shop less. Other individuals try and eat right, eliminate pounds and exercise. Ponder beginning the year with a couple of easy ways to lose weight that are pleasurable and fun.

A great technique for weight loss will be changing dietary habits. To make modifying diets pleasurable and fun, attempt to add various recipes. Dining on identical items continually can get monotonous. Rather than always eating high fiber cereal during a morning meal, consume a scrambled egg loaded with vegetables. Another option is dine on whole wheat bagels topped with honey, fruit and nut butter. Consuming assorted food products helps make losing extra pounds much more pleasurable and fun.

An additional technique for losing weight through modifying diets is including different foods. Lots of dishes contain red meat. Nonetheless, for dropping pounds, as opposed to constantly eating red meat at supper, have elk, bison or venison. Venison, bison and elk are much more healthy compared to red meat. One more option is adding different herbs or spices. Common spices include pepper, paprika and salt. Rather than always including paprika, salt and pepper try putting oregano, cumin or thyme in foods. Common herbs are parsley, chives and basil. In place of constantly utilizing chives, parsley and basil try including dill, garlic or mint in meals. All of these spices or herbs provide a variety of tastes of food items. Consuming new food products will be easy ways to lose weight that will help make getting rid of unwanted pounds more fun.

A primary thing whenever wanting to lose unwanted body fat by changing eating habits is removing o

Ways To Lose Tummy Fat Naturally - 5 Helpful Ways

In these days people are more conscious about their appearances particularly those of us who are overweight.
Luckily there are efficient methods to lose fat and a few of these methods are designed for dropping stomach fats. With out investing too much money, here are some techniques that can aid you dropping those extra kilos:

Sit Ups Are Great

Lie on the back, bend the knees, and place the feet flat on the ground. Tighten your stomach muscle groups and raise your body. By doing this, you are letting your belly muscles do all of the hard work. Do that at the least 100 times every day and you will see a more trimmed upper body.


Planks is likely one of the most forgotten exercises to shed tummy fat. Not only does it get rid of the fat around the stomach, but it also strengthens the core from the inside.

Do Long Arm Crunches

Stay on the ground with feet flat and knees bent to do this stomach exercise. You want to extend your arms back on the ground while lying on the ground. Very slowly raise your arms, shoulders and head as you contract the abs until they're at an angle of 30 degrees. Maintain, then lower the shoulders to the ground very slowly. Do single set and be careful to not let your arms lead.

Look For Interesting Alternatives

Exercising does not automatically mean spending hours at the gym. You can stimulate the muscles and push the body to burn stomach fat just about as exercising by indulging in other types of physical activity too. Simple tricks like parking a few minutes from your workplace and walking a little bit, using staircases as a replacement of elevators, walking off a three course meal or even indulging in outdoor games with the children will give you the same effect as exercising and help in melting away extra belly fats with out straining

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Diets That Promise Quick Weight Loss

As a nutritionist who has worked with thousands of clients over the years, I have examined the weight issue from every angle. One thing I know for sure is that there is no quick solution to weight loss. My clients who achieve permanent weight loss do so slowly while developing healthier habits along the way. Diets that promise quick weight loss simply do not work for most people.

So what's a dieter to do? First and foremost, be aware that the world is full of bad weight loss advice. Next, believe that there is no quick fix. And last, know that there are some tried and true steps that can be taken to lose weight and keep it off. Here's what you can do to get started immediately.

1. Eat a healthy breakfast

Start your day with a high fiber breakfast such as bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit. This will keep you well-nourished and satisfied throughout the morning so you will be less likely to overeat later in the day. Furthermore, you will have more energy and be more inclined to exercise. 

2. Eat frequently throughout the day.

In order to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This can be very challenging if you're feeling hungry all the time. Eating 5 - 6 small meals and snacks throughout the day will help to control your appetite so you end up eating less.

3. Consider whether you're really hungry.

When you feel like eating at a time that is not part of your plan ask yourself the question, "Am I really hungry or is this a craving?" Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel; it's a physiological response. A craving, on the other hand, is usually triggered by a psychological need. Learn to listen to your body and figure out what it is trying to tell you. Perhaps you need something other than food.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Body Fat Percentage Calculator: Your Keep-Fit Companion

A body fat percentage calculator isn't just for athletes. This is an ideal companion for anybody concerned with getting fit and staying healthy.

Why You Should Use One

A body fat percentage calculator lets you calculate how much fat you've actually lost. When you're sticking to your work out religiously, it can be frustrating if you feel you're not making any progress. By using a body fat calculator, you might be pleasantly surprised.
If you just weigh yourself on scales, you're weighing muscle as well. Building up muscle is great, but it will cause you to be heavier even though you're healthier. For example, you could think you've only lost 10 pounds when in fact you actually lost 30 pounds of fat but gained 20 pounds of muscle.

How It Works

First of all, you need to take a number of body measurements. These include not only your height and weight but also your waist, neck, and, if you're female, your hips. This is what the body fat percentage calculator will use in order to calculate your body fat.

How much percentage is healthy depends on your sex. For women, a healthy percentage is between 14 and 17 percent. Females who score 30 percent or more are considered obese. For men, 14 to 17 percent is ideal. Obesity in men is 20 percent or more. Competitive athletes, regardless of gender, aim for 6 to 13 percent.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

A body fat chart is a great way to see how healthy you really are. It's what you refer to when you want to

Cholesterol Control

Newspapers have reported on the drawbacks of having a diet high in fat. High-fat diet has been linked to high cholesterol and ultimately to heart attacks. Hence, people have started avoiding beef and eggs. But cholesterol is not bad. Our body needs it to protect nerves and build new cells and hormones. It is only when we include foods like pizzas, burgers, ice creams, steaks or any food containing animal product that the problem starts.

Excess cholesterol settles along the walls of the arteries and can clog them thus, restricting blood flow. This gives rise to angina, heart attack or stroke. It has also been shown that high cholesterol leads to gallstones. There are two types of cholesterol called good cholesterol or HDL and bad cholesterol or LDL. LDL is the cholesterol that clogs the arteries and should be lower while HDL scours the artery walls and removes the harmful LDL and should be higher.

Doctors recommend reducing and avoiding high-fat diets containing meat, eggs and dairy products. But you can use the following home remedies for treatment: 

• Increase the intake of Vitamin E: It is advised to increase your intake of Vitamin E to 400 international units to prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol where the cholesterol hardens into the arterial plaque thus giving rise to heart attack. It also raises the level of HDL. You can include Vitamin E as dietary sources or include vegetable oils, nuts or grains in your diet.

• Eat your breakfast: People who skip the breakfast have higher cholesterol levels than those who have breakfast everyday. This is because they tend to eat unhealthy foods which are high in fats.